Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Search for ways create new paths to lead others
Create a reason and a new future
When we were young, we started big
But grew small as we grew older
Our dreams slowly demote themselves into a smaller future
But you find happiness in it anyways
There are still many things to discover
Because there is always something missing
But never search too far
The thing you may be looking
May be what you never wanted to know.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


There is still new
In a discovered world
We can travel here and there
Trusting our direction to a device
'Cause we no longer rely on instincts
We search for a leader
When we have leaders within ourselves
But that leadership is occupied
In search for our purpose
Leading our mind and body
Reaching the conclusion of our existence
"Who am I?"
I am me and for that reason
I exist.